Season 6 – Episode 2 – Small Payment Performing Notes

Does it take millions to start off with note investing? Nope. This episode the Naked Notes ladies discuss some of the many opportunities that can be found investing in small balance low payment performing notes. The perfect pairing for some of the few accounts offered by our sponsor QUEST TRUST COMPANY. Tune in as the ladies get the listeners riled for the little guys on the tape. America thrives on diversity, so can your financial plan, learn how the #NAPNATION is utilizing all the scraps left over from the hedge funds.

Join the ladies on their mission to Let NO retirement account go UNDERFUNDED, by taking the proper precautions and listening to this episode. This podcast was built to build stronger individual investors of our favorite vehicle mortgage notes!

The Naked Notes Podcast © is brought to you by Quest Trust Company a leading resource for investors looking to roll over old IRAs or 401ks. ( The Note Assistance Program(™) and is an educational podcast built to supplement the education and experiences novice note investors have throughout their note life. Join the movement to leave NO retirement account UNDERFUNDED! Contact the ladies at 855 541 6683