Getting started with note investing, the right way.

Welcome to your non-performing note headquarters! My name is Natosha McKinnon, one of the most recent Executive Advisors to join the community.

I’m excited to be part of your note journey and I am equally excited to share my story with you today. I hope that it inspires those of you who read it to keep pushing forward. So, let’s dive right in as tell you how I went from a novice investor who was about to give up, to a N.A.P. Executive Advisor in just a year and a half time.

We’ve found that there is no ONE way or RIGHT way to get into notes. No two investors with The Note Assistance Program have the same story or even come close! My story is equally as unique and it starts with a $30k guru class. Like many of you I had made the decision to start investing in myself and to begin chasing that dream for true financial freedom. As a serial entrepreneur, my spirit has always sought the independence that being your own boss brings, from real estate to fitness coaching, but nothing quite panned out. In 2015, after a financial hardship, I dove back into real estate investing and began attending local REIA clubs looking for inspiration. This is where I met Ms. Jasmine R. Willois, Managing Director of The Note Assistance Program. She was on a panel with four other successful investors, but she was the only one having any FUN! There was something different about this presentation (maybe the pink hat!); something unorthodox about the opportunity. At the time, just like many of you, I knew nothing of non-performing notes so I was intrigued but cautious. I didn’t want to be lured into another overrated and overcrowded training on the same old strategies we’ve been hearing for years. This was FRESH, this was EXCITING!

I knew nothing of non-performing notes so I was intrigued but cautious.

Fortunately, by the end of the night, Ms. Willois was promoting her program and it was surprisingly reasonably priced so I decided to take home the flyer to give it some thought. I spent hours trying to find more information about non-performing notes but little was to be found. The other options I did find were either out of state or dangerously drifting towards the “price-gouging” stages. I wanted in so I joined the Note Boot Camp. For 3 weeks I scrutinized and processed the non-performing note angle. It sounded too good to be true the way Ms. Willois suggested we learn the business; we would build a team of professionals to do all the heavy lifting and we would become skilled at identifying and negotiating the assets. I could do that! The class was highly interactive and I almost went out on my own but my gut told me if I was this excited and raring to go I should probably get assistance so it would be done the right way from the beginning. Which is why I decided The Note Assistance Program was the perfect fit. I didn’t need hand holding, I needed assistance. I didn’t need ANOTHER $30k guru, I just needed assistance. I handed them my last $3,000 (the price at the time) and a year later here I am…I have a portfolio full of notes and multiple JV partners!

The greatest lesson I learned during this journey was to align myself with the right people. Many of the so called “obstacles” I had (no money, no formal note education, no experience) all melted away once I found genuine ASSISTANCE and took action.
This program is certainly not for everyone as it is intended for individuals who are self-starters and great at execution. In addition to patience and accountability it took almost two years of peeling away my comfort zones and now I am formally assisting others with NOTING! My goal is to help each and every one of you who are accepted into the program create your own note success story. I look forward to working with you highly motivated investors!

Happy Noting!