[vc_row css_animation=”fadeInDown”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Sackcloth & Ashes” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:32px|text_align:center|color:%23218cd4|line_height:45px” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”main_about_title” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fsackclothandashes.com%2F|target:_blank”][vc_column_text el_class=”main_descp”]

Sackcloth & Ashes creates and sells beautiful blankets and donates another blanket for every purchase to a homeless shelter. As part of their Invest-Profit-Give campaign, The Note Assistance Program is proud to be part of their Blanket the United States campaign. With a collective goal of donating one million blankets nationwide by 2024. Every time a member of our community INVESTS in a mortgage note we will donate a portion of the expected PROFIT to GIVE a blanket to the cause.

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In 2014, Bob’s mom was living on the streets. This completely changed the way he viewed the homeless as she is the hardest working woman that he knows. Bob was inspired to call his local shelters to ask what they needed—they all requested blankets. That’s when he came up with the idea of Sackcloth & Ashes. For every blanket purchased from their company, they will donate a second blanket to a local homeless shelter.

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In 2019, the Naked Notes Podcast was launched to help The Note Assistance Program accomplish their new goal of educating 5,000 families in 5 years on the opportunity in mortgage note investing. A year later, the global pandemic hit and the homelessness rate was projected to increase by 45%. Introduced by a mutual friend, Bob Dalton and Jasmine Willois hit it off immediately and decided it was time to get the #NAPNATION involved. For every trade completed in 2021 on our Mortgage Note Trade Desk, a blanket will be purchased by the member and another gifted to a local homeless shelter.

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The fabric is made in Italy. Once the fabric is shipped over to their facility, they have a team of refugees that helps them with their production. They cut and sew to get the products ready to be shipped out to their customers. The blankets themselves are made of 100% recycled materials and are created with eco-friendly dye. They are a wool blend, and soft to the touch.

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Created by investors for investors, The Note Assistance Program is a collective group of nationwide real estate entrepreneurs who have come together to stake their claim to the profit potential the big banks have access to! Affectionately known as the #NAPNATION, we come together regularly to share resources, opportunities, journeys, inspiration and truths about the secondary mortgage markets. This strategy strengthens our buying power and boosts our success rate as we march towards our financial goals.

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